Title Tags

1.) No my client does not use Title Tags. I believe that it would be really helpful for my client if they did start to use title tags so that they could allow the consumer to be reassured in what they are buying and allow the site to be more organized and straight forward.

2.) I was drawn to the New Mexico State University due to the fact that the title tag was "All About Discovery". This really shows that the school is about learning and that they want their students to grow and succeed. This really shows that it is more residual with the person that is looking at the websites compared to the University of Southern Maine because it does not have a tag.

3.) For my exact query,  I had used artist. Although, I also conducted searches that included gallery and shoe art to see what the recent searches were over time etc.

4.) All of these search terms are related to all of my clients recent artwork and all of the popular names that are used in the art industry. While she is starting to create her business, using these frequent and popular words in her industry will be beneficial to keep everything in order and appeal to the consumers eye.

5.) I believe that some of the URL ratings are higher because they contain a larger consumer population. They may contain a larger interest group that can easily spread the word or their product may be around for a long time which makes it easier for it to appeal to more consumers. An example of this may be a brand like Nike.

6.) My clients name did not come up due to the fact that her business is just starting and that her popularity is not as high as others such as Lucas Beaufort's Art work.


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