Twitter Hashtag Marketing

For this assignment, I looked at the hashtag #fifaworld cup and compared it to other hashtags that correspond with the message that it is trying to send across. These hashtags also show how many people viewed a certain hashtag and retweets etc. This website give a lot of good information regarding the information that was provided before such as the views per hour etc. This also shows that the most hashtag on instagram was #instaworldcup and on twitter it was # worldcup with 181,612,229 views. This can show important marketing techniques because some of the people who promote say Nike wear during the game can really impact the viewer to also want to buy or wear what their team is wearing. What made the tweets popular was who tweeted it, whether it being a regular person with not a lot of view or likes compared to a famous person tweeting about the game with a lot of followers and likes to share it and get it more and more popular over social media.

For my client, some useful techniques that could be used are using social media not just to put in ads but to also tweet using hashtags so that more people can see it and so that it can get exposed more rather than just doing regular ads. To use this feature in the best way, you would have to use specific words that may describe your product and what type it is to get the best audience. My local client is trying to start an art business so the words that would be useful for her to use would be painting, artist, gallery, or workart. All of these show what she is doing and makes for a larger audience. Along with these words, it is also helpful to tag some of the bigger named artist in her case so that when people search for that artist, they are also exposed to her artwork if it is in some way similar to what the other more popular artists work looks like.
The tweet that I liked the best was the one regarding "Procaffeinating" I think that this one became popular because it includes key words that many people look for or relate too succh as "MondayMotivation" and "Coffee". These things are things that people relate to and most peopledont start their day before they have had their coffee so this tweet has taken a popular tendancy of people who look at their tweets and made it funny. This is something for people to look at smile on a Monday morning.

I think that this should be used in your next semester lesson plan because it greatly allows kids to look at not just posting something on social media and expecting it to become popular but to look into the tweet or post and see it words and see how it became popular and what it did to get their.

After looking at this data, I do not think that the engagement in my twitter account is good due to the fact that the engagement level is 2.6%. My primary target for this account is for my marketing class and my professor which makes the target audience very small. My most liked tweet only has 1 like and it is from my professor. Although since the target audience is for him and the class, I believe that this is a good start. The tone and attitude that I hope to come off of for my twitter is a professional student point of view. When I write my tweets is when I am most engaged because that is when I have the time to look through other tweets. I think that social media is a great way if used correctly by using key words etc to get the word out of the service that you or a client are providing.


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