
Showing posts from June, 2018

Title Tags

1.) No my client does not use Title Tags. I believe that it would be really helpful for my client if they did start to use title tags so that they could allow the consumer to be reassured in what they are buying and allow the site to be more organized and straight forward. 2.) I was drawn to the New Mexico State University due to the fact that the title tag was "All About Discovery". This really shows that the school is about learning and that they want their students to grow and succeed. This really shows that it is more residual with the person that is looking at the websites compared to the University of Southern Maine because it does not have a tag. 3.) For my exact query,    I had used artist. Although, I also conducted searches that included gallery and shoe art to see what the recent searches were over time etc. 4.) All of these search terms are related to all of my clients recent artwork and all of the popular names that are used in the art industry. While she i

Twitter Hashtag Marketing

For this assignment, I looked at the hashtag #fifaworld cup and compared it to other hashtags that correspond with the message that it is trying to send across. These hashtags also show how many people viewed a certain hashtag and retweets etc. This website give a lot of good information regarding the information that was provided before such as the views per hour etc. This also shows that the most hashtag on instagram was #instaworldcup and on twitter it was # worldcup with 181,612,229 views. This can show important marketing techniques because some of the people who promote say Nike wear during the game can really impact the viewer to also want to buy or wear what their team is wearing. What made the tweets popular was who tweeted it, whether it being a regular person with not a lot of view or likes compared to a famous person tweeting about the game with a lot of followers and likes to share it and get it more and more popular over social media. For my client, some useful techni

Google Maps and FunParks

For this assignment, I chose to compare three of the more popular fun parks in Southern Maine. The three funparks that I choose to talk about are Funtown / Splashtown, Aquaboggen, and Seacoast Funpark. These parks do have hotels near them but some more than others. Funtown/Splashtown and Aquaboggen are both very close to each other allowing their to be some competition for customers and for hotels for people to stay afterwards a long day in the sun. Seaecoast is a little bit different than the other two. Seacoast fun park also contains a winter season which allows it to stay open year round. While Seacoast does have the ability to stay open year round, they do not have as much hotels surrounding the area as the other two fun parks. There is a recently built hotel right across the street from the fun park and also along the snowmobiling trail which allows their to be fun for parents and others not just concentrated for children. While this is the only hotel in the area for miles,

Geo Marketing

1.) My client does use Google Maps. Although, while they do use it, it is not rather beneficial to them due to the fact that they go to their consumers house to provide services. They do however allow their number and personal number to be put onto their business card so that they are reachable at any moment. 2.) 3.) Amari Studios created a geo-marketing tool that allowed their to be a GIS tool which would search areas geographically and general markets and stores near that area according to the census data as well. Amari Studios was able to do this to them promote their customer base regarding geographical region population. I believe that my client can really benefit this tool to see how many people live in a certain area and what would be a good target area to promote services. This would also help due to the fact that my clients job has a lot to do with the climate and the general population in one area.  4.) Due to the geo-marketing technique that was used, Burger King

Amazon and its Consumers Trust

While searching for an NPR consumer research study through Google searches, I had found an article titled  Consumer trust may be Amazon's true competitive advantage . This article had been caught right at the beginning due to the fact that I have been following the Facebook privacy leak and its coverage on that. Due to this the factor of trust has been a huge concern for the average consumer on a regular basis regarding what would be helpful and what would be bad for them. In a recent Poll taken by the NPR it states that "92 percent of US online shoppers have used Amazon to buy something" (Sterling) This greatly shows that large amounts of people in the US greatly use Amazon and trust it, or else this large quantity of the US would be using Amazon as their center for shopping source. Amazon uses itself as a promoter for other product and products of their own. They are an online Walmart if you will which allows them (Amazon) to control their own independent variables

Regression Analysis Discussion

1.) The most important variable would be the TV Advertising. I think this because the company is allowing their to be more money concentrated into the TV Advertising side of things rather than anything else for example the Online Advertising variable. The company is spending $4.10 towards their money in relation to a dollar for their advertising. 2a.) Two facts that companies are based off of are their base price for what they have to base a certain product off of and their percent of the profit that they made off of a certain product or just daily earnings. Four conditions that a company would have are base price, base price+ charity donation, pay what you want, and pay want you want plus charity donation. b.) The company has many things that control it some are physical humans and some are written. One thing that is a controlled condition in a company is a single base price which is $12.45. c.) An independent variable is the number of people going onto the ride. This then leads

Cereal Perceptual map

Based off of this cereal perception map that I have created here, some of the competitors that are in close proximity to each other are Cinnamon toast crunch and Corn Pops; while Fiber one Caramel Delight and Special K Chocolately Delight are close to each other. This also shows that olden Grahams and Cocoa Krispies are completely opposite from each other and are both marketing two totally different aspects to their cereal. This is due to the different types of cereal and who they are purposely trying to market their product to. Mostly kids like their things to be eye catching and bright and taste good. For marketers to have their stuff catch a child's eye,  they have bright colors on the box and for them to have the cereal taste good they usually have to add a lot of sugar and unhealthier products to the cereal. For my perception map, I chose bright box compared to dark box to show that in correlation with whether the cereal is healthy or unhealthy, that it is related to its mar

Perceptual Mapping Beer

Many things can be put onto a perceptual map if they are trying to evaluate a certain area of or type of things. This will show whether the object is closely related to others and or what would be a good substitute for it if needed. If Bud Light and Budweiser were plotted on perceptual map, it would be a somewhat simple number line starting at one and going to ten. Bud Light and Budweiser would then be plotted on by which number they are regarding their sweetness or bitter taste. As shown in the perceptual map above, if you were trying to find a brand that was similar to Budweiser, you can clearly see that Miller and Coors are the closer brands. This allows the marketers to see who they are really competing with. It also shows the consumers that if they want a beer that is similar, they can choose one that is in close proximity to Budweiser such as Miller or Coors. Due to this map the consumer is also able to see that if they usually drink Beck's, that they can also choose Heine

Prospect Theory

When consumers involve themselves into the market of consumption, they can be considered prospects. Companies must make their product look better than the others and have better qualities than the others competing in for the consumers buy. Many prospects, when looking for a new product that may be a big purchase, usually conduct research to see what brand would be best for them and most beneficial to fit their needs. Companies need to take these prospect buyers and convince them that their product is the best through advertisements and what those ads show to the consumer. A little bit ago, I was looking to buy new coils for my car. When I was searching, I had known what other people used and started to investigate those products. When looking at various brands, I would look for the issues that some of the coils gave people in the reviews and if there were any recalls. I would also look at the price range as to which ones would provide the best performance and what would not break the

Poland and the Big Max Index

     The country that I chose to do for this assignment is Poland. Poland is the eighth largest economy in the European union and is classified as a high-income economy. One of the largest sections of Polish economy is the service sector. Their more important exports include food, motor boats, hardwood products and little airplanes. With Poland being the eighth largest economy in the European Union, I am confident that my client will largely benefit by going this route of imports and exports. 2/3.) A Big Mac cost $3.57 in the US A Big Mac cost 7.6 Zloty The implied purchasing parity is 7.6/3.57 = 2.13 The actual exchange rate between the Zloty and the dollar is 1 dollar to 3.15 Zloty [(2.13-3.15)/3.15]*100 = -32.38 The Zloty undervalued by 32% due to the fact of $1 in Sweden would be equivalent to 3.15. This means that if my client chooses Poland to trade with, at first the market may show that they loose money, but if goods and services are traded with after a while